* *** SAMPLE_HTML_CSS TXT - 16 Jul 2019 18:59:34 - JKNAUTH Notes for Samples of HTML and CSS Coding ===== === ======= == ==== === === ====== "HTML" in this document refers to HTML4. In contrast, HTML5 has many similarities to HTML4, but adds some facilities (not covered here) and uses many of the syntax restrictions defined by XHTML (many are noted here), which the more lenient HTML4 ignores. The code I now write uses HTML4, but adheres to the XHTML restrictions. Browsers and Source Files -------- --- ------ ----- A browser, e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Amazon Silk, examines a source file and "renders" it to produce the display you see in the browser's window. The source file is a special type of text file with a file extension of usually .htm or .html. Most of the time the browser will have fetched the source file from a server on the internet, although the source file can also be on your own PC. (In the following I'll use the term "web page" for both these cases.) The initial source file might in turn reference other files to produce the final display. Because a source file is a simple text file, you can examine and edit an existing source file with any text editor. You can create your own source file and thus your own web page. I am writing this to help you get to that point. For a text editor you can use, for example, Notepad, Notepad2, Notepad++, WordPad, or even Word. Many text editors you can download for free. Some of these and other editors provide additional facilities, e.g., color-highlighting certain control information or even automatically generating code. You don't require those bells and whistles to create a web page, although they can certainly make it easier. Some caveats: If you use WordPad to edit a source file, be sure to save the changed file as a "Text Document" in the "Save As Type" field. You can also edit the source file (as a text file) in Word; be sure to save it as a "Plain Text" file. Note that editing the file with Word as a text file may require you to first change the file extension from .htm (or .html) to .txt, do the edit and file it, then change the file extension back to what it was originally. There is probably a simpler way to do this, but I don't know enough about Word to describe it. Of course another way to change the file in Word is to use all the Word formatting capabilities and then save the file as an .htm or .html file. That works, but for that case Word has built all the control information, and you don't have full control. If you don't like the result, too bad. Also, the Word source file tends to be *much larger* and *more complex* than if you had built it yourself. And you will know much less about what is going on if you want to fine tune something. Other web page building programs are available: free and simple, like Nvu (no longer supported); or complex and expensive, like Dreamweaver. The point of this writeup is to show you how easy it is to build a page with just a simple text editor, one of which you probably already have on your PC -- you almost certainly have Notepad. Even if you use one of the WYSIWIG (What You See I What You Get) tools like Dreamweaver to build a web page, it is a good idea to have knowledge of the basic underlying structure of the page and the controls that produce its appearance on a display. There are some further introductory notes in the first few paragraphs of the "Sample HTML and CSS Coding" file (Sample_HTML_CSS.htm) that go with these notes. If you display that file with your browser, you will see many examples of what can be done in HTML/CSS. You can then look at the source code to see how to do the same thing for your own web page. There are some HTML and CSS references at the bottom of the "Sample HTML and CSS Coding" file. There are many tutorials on the internet, easily findable with a Google search. After you have created a source file and tested it on your own PC, you can upload it to a website, if desired. (Details of setting up such a website are not covered here.) FileZilla is a recommended FTP tool to do such an upload. FileZilla is free, open-source code, which is easy to install and use. On the other hand, you may choose to just use the file locally, i.e., on your own PC, to nicely format and display some data using your browser. Rendering a local source file can be as useful as rendering some internet file. HTML and CSS Languages for Creating Web Pages ---- --- --- --------- --- -------- --- ----- Nowadays, it is often the case that two (or more) programming languages are used together to display your data in a web page. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) lets you organize your data into logical structures such as headings, paragraphs, tables, ordered lists, images, and links to other web pages. CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets) then lets you specify how those structures should be displayed: position, color, fonts, sizes, margins, padding, backgrounds, borders, and much, much more. Separating the organization of the data from the formatting of the data usually leads to much neater code. It lets you first concentrate on getting the actual data written. Then you can tinker with how to format it without having to significantly rework the data sections. It also usually results in a lot less typing and makes it easier for you and others to read and maintain the source code. The first part of this document will describe HTML (and XHTML, an extension of HTML). The second part will give an overview of CSS. More complicated web page programming uses things like forms, frames, DHTML, JavaScript, PHP, etc. I won't try to get into any of that here. ======================================================================== =============================== HTML ================================= ======================================================================== What Are Tags? ---- --- ----- In the following I'll describe some of the basic HTML tags. Tags are the special character strings, e.g., "

", which are used to delimit each of your data structures, e.g., a paragraph, and which designate your desired purpose for that particular data, i.e., you want the data to be a paragraph, not a heading, etc. Start and End Tags ----- --- --- ---- Most document structures (called "elements") have a common format: a , followed by your data, and then a to designate the end of the element. Note the "/" in the end tag. For example, a simple level 1 heading might be:

This Is My Heading

From now on, when I refer to a "tag", I'll mean the start tag and its paired end tag. Almost all tags have such "start" and "end" pieces. You may also encounter the terms "opening" and "closing" tags to mean the same thing as start and end tags. Tags might also include parameters, called "attributes", and "values" to be assigned to those attributes. In the following, note the class attribute, followed by "=", and this attribute's value of openingshot, surrounded by the required quotes:
... your data ...
To summarize the terminology, an element structure looks like this your data |-----------------------------element---------------------------------| Some structures consist of a start tag immediately followed by an end tag. A shorthand technique is provided to save a few keystrokes. Instead of writing

, you should just write
. The space in front of the "/" is required for compatibility in some browsers. In XHTML, each start tag requires an end tag. In the older, more lenient HTML, a few end tags, e.g.,

, were optional in some cases. XHTML is more picky in its syntax, but also has much better error checking. I recommend following the XHTML syntax and always including the end tag. Tag Nesting --- ------- Tags can be nested, i.e., the data within an element delimited by a start/end tag pair might have further tags within. For example.

This Is My Heading

The outer

tag provides some characteristics for the data delimited by that tag. But the inner tag provides its own characteristics for the subset of the data it delimits, possibly overriding the characteristics associated with the outer

tag. For example, in the heading above you might have specified that the text in the h1 header should be green, but that the text delimited by the tag be red, overriding the green specification for

. Then the "This Is" and "Heading" text would be green, but the "My" text would be red. Nested elements are said to have an ancestor-descendant relationship. The closest nested elements have a parent-child relationship. The closest nesting (outer) element of the current element is its parent; an element has only one parent. Each of the closest nested inner elements is a child of that parent. There can be more than one child, but they all must be at the same level of nesting. (See diagram below.) The nesting can continue to any depth. For example, you could have a division containing an ordered list containing a list item containing a paragraph containing an image. The image is a descendant to all the elements containing it (division, ordered list, list item, and paragraph). However, it is a child only to the paragraph. This can be important for CSS selectors discussed below. Whereas parent and child refer to the closest nesting relationship, the terms ancestor and decendant are more general and can be used for relationships that are one or more nestings from the element in question. To give a concrete example, suppose A thru K are elements (such as paragraphs, headings, divisions, spans, lists, images, etc.) In the diagram below the notation C [ D E ... ] means element C has a nest within it containing elements D, E, etc., e.g., it is a division containing several paragraphs. Thus in the diagram C contains D and E; E contains F, G, and H; H contains I and J; and J contains K. Let's focus on H to show how the terminology works. H is the parent of I and J (they are in the nest immediately below H). I and J are each a child of H (H is immediately above them). I and J are siblings (they are at the same level in the same nest). I is the first-child of H (it is the first element encountered in H's nest). Both C and E are ancestors of H (they start the nests that H is within). I, J, and K are descendants of H. |--------------------------------------| | |-----------------------------| | | | |---------------------| | | | | | |-----------| | | | | | | | |---| | | | | [A B C [ D E [ F G H [ I J [ K ] ] ] ] ] * This follows down just one chain of relatives. H might well have another nest below it, say one started by another imbedded , with another chain thru that nest. If a child tag does not override a characteristic specified for the parent, the parent's characteristic is inherited by the child. In the

example at the start of this section, if font size is not specified for the tag, the same font size will be used for the text within the span as is used for the rest of the heading, i.e., what was specified for the

tag. Spacing ------- HTML and CSS don't really care much about spacing in the source code, either before the start of the text on a line, or between tags on a line, i.e., in the data itself, or between parts of a tag with parameters, or blank lines in the source file. There are few exceptions. You could code your web page as one long, humongous line and it would still work. However it is much neater to put things on separate lines and use some indentation and blank lines to clarify your intent to human readers (including yourself), even though all this will be ignored by the browser. Also, you may carefully space parts of a paragraph in the source code and think this spacing will be preserved in the display. Wrong! The browser will remove all extraneous spaces for the final display. If you really do want to preserve spacing, there is a special tag,
, that
lets you do this, but then you are totally responsible for the spacing
of that data.  For example,



will display as A B C
A        B    C
will display as A B C
 is useful if you want to display a simple text table where you
want the column alignments to be preserved.  For example,

          A       B      C      D
         ---     ---    ---    ---
         ant     bear   cat    dog
         aaa     bb     c      dddddd
Character Entities --------- -------- Some characters have dual meanings: the character may be either data or it may be control information. The browser needs to be told how to interpret the character. By specially coding the data character as a character sequence (a "character entity") you unambiguously tell the browser your intent for that character. Thus when the browser sees a "<", it starts looking for a tag because a "<" character starts each tag. On the other hand, if the browser sees the character sequence "<" the browser displays a "<" character and does not start any tag search processing. In a similar way, you can force the browser to display ">" and "&" in places where those characters might be misinterpreted by the browser as being part of a tag or as part of a character entity. The associated character entities are ">" for ">" and "&" for "&". There are also character entities to display many other special characters, e,g., see http://www.elizabethcastro.com/html/extras/entities.html. Spaces are also handled specially by the browser, as was described above. Although the browsers's normal processing is to eliminate extra spaces, you can tell it to keep a space by using the special six-character sequence " " (without the quotes) in places where you require an extra space to be kept. Such a "non-breaking space" will also prevent a line break when text is flowed at that location. You can string together as many of these as you want, one for each required space, e.g.,     to have three required spaces. Upper/Lower Case ----------- ---- XHTML requires that tags and attributes be entered in lower case. In contrast, the older, more lenient HTML allows mixed case or all upper case for tags and attributes. I'd advise using the XHTML syntax. Of course the case of your data delimited by the tags is important. So these are different:

This is my data.

THIS is MY data.

General Document Structure ------- -------- --------- The concept of nested tags is used to define the structure of the web page document as a whole. The document is divided into a head section and a body section. The head section contains a title and some general control information, e.g., the style section containing CSS formatting rules. The body is where most of the document resides, i.e., your data, in particular. Below is a general skeleton that will apply to most pages you will create. Most of your work will be in the body section. You can just copy something like this as a template and then fill in the blanks. In the following general document structure, note the pairing of the start and end tags and the nesting of tags. Note also the two main sections: head and body. Spacing and indentation were done here just to emphasize the structure; the browser ignores spacing. ...your web page title goes here...

...your main web page heading goes here...

...almost everything you code will be right here... In fact you can have multiple style sections in the heading, with each one focused on a type of output medium, e.g., screen or printer. This can be extremely useful, allowing you to format the same data one way for a PC display and another way for printing. In addition to the above, there are usually some boilerplate control lines, e.g., DOCTYPE and meta. Just copy them from one of the working files, e.g., Sample_HTML_CSS.htm, and stay within any XHTML restrictions noted below. Links (Hyperlinks) ----- ------------ Using the tag, a page lets a user link to (i.e., access) information from some other location. That information can be either on the current host computer or on some other computer, or it can be information located on some other part of the current page. The tag provides a "hot spot", which when selected (e.g., clicked on with a mouse) results in the access of the linked information. The access might result in displaying static information, or playing an audio or video file, or some other action appropriate for the information. Here is the general format for the tag: hot spot The location specifies where the information is to be found. It can be either an absolute location, e.g., an internet URL, or can be relative to some page. The hot spot data can be text or even an image. The attributes can be used to tailor the appearance of the "hot spot" data, e.g., to color it, underline it, change the font size or weight compared to other nearby text, etc. An tag using the "id" attribute can be used to identify a place in the current page to which some other tag can link. Seeing It in Action ------ -- -- ------ The easiest way to see what is going on is to bring up a simple web page on your browser. Observe the way the data is formatted. Then look at the source code that the browser processed to produce the display. It is very easy to view the source code with most browsers. Just right click on some blank part of the web page display and choose View Source, or View Page Source, or View Frame Source, etc. The wording of the menu item depends on the browser used and the type of page being displayed. Some browsers make it even easier, e.g., with Firefox you can display the source code by just clicking Ctrl-U (the Ctrl key + the U key). Firefox also has built-in Web Developer tools, e.g., the Inspector, to let you examine a displayed page and shows you exactly what tags and parameters were used to produce any piece of the display you select. It is very educational. Once you learn how to examine web pages with View Source, you will find it very helpful for writing your own source code. If you see something displayed a desirable way in a page that someone else has written, you can just look at their source code and try to duplicate it in your own file. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but it at least gives you a start. Because it is so easy to modify source code and then redisplay it to see what display changes result from the source code changes, it is easy to experiment until you get what you want. The general process will be something like this: 1) Edit your source file to make some change. 2) Save the source file, e.g., with Ctrl-S. 3) Display the page in your browser; or if the page is already displayed, refresh the browser display, e.g., with the F5 key. 4) See what display changes the edit has produced. 5) If desired, make more changes and repeat from step 1. Be sure not to leave out either the source file save in step 2 or the browser display refresh in step 3. Otherwise, you may make a change to the source file and then wonder why the change does not appear in the browser display of that page. Until the save and refresh are done, the browser continues to display the source file as it was before the latest edit. I have created a sample web page (Sample_HTML_CSS.htm) containing many tag and CSS examples. You can view the source code using the procedures described above. HTML and CSS have many parameters (attributes and properties) to do all sorts of other formatting. I won't try to cover those here in detail. Some good references are listed at the end of the "Sample HTML and CSS Coding" file (Sample_HTML_CSS.htm). I think your best strategy is first to get your data structured using the simple tags described below. Then, following the examples of the existing pages on the web site, you can put CSS rules in the style area to experiment with until you get the formatting you desire. Tag Summary --- ------- Here is a summary of some of the most important tags. I won't give many details; see the reference documents for those. There is at least one example of the use of each tag in the Sample web page. delimit the whole document. delimit the head section. delimit the title for the document. The title is typically displayed at the top of the web page window. Firefox also displays it in tabs. The title also appears in bookmarks, search tool results, and many other places, so make it meaningful and not too long. The title element must be in the head section of the document. delimit the body section.

delimit heading text. The number indicates the amount of

emphasis the heading is meant to display (at least in the

default settings). H1 headings are usually big and bold.

The emphasis decreases all the way down to an h6 heading,
which may be hardly distinguishable from normal text in a

delimit paragraph text.
delimit preformatted text, which was discussed in the Spacing section above.
delimit an ordered list, i.e., one whose list items are each preceded by a designator that has an associated order, e.g., 1., 2., 3. or a., b., c.
delimit an unordered list, i.e., one whose list items are each preceded by a bullet or similar graphic.
  • delimit a specific list item in an ordered or unordered list.
    delimit a definition list. Definition list items (in contrast to ordered list items and unordered list items) each consist of two parts, a term part and a definition part.
    delimit the term part of the definition list item.
    delimit the definition part of the definition list item.
    delimit a table. Tables are a very flexible and powerful part of HTML. They can also be very complicated. I'll list here only a few of the associated tags. A simple table has several rows and columns with the intersection of a row and a column called a cell. More complicated tables can have differing numbers of cells for different rows or columns in the same table. In each one of those cells you can have paragraphs, lists, images, whatever. The table rows can be organized into header, body, and footer sections. Table columns can have special headers and the whole table can have a caption. delimit a row within a table. There can be multiple rows with each row delimited by a pair of these tags. delimit a cell within a row within a table. There can be multiple cells in a row with each cell delimited by these tags. delimit a comment. This text is ignored by the browser. You can put almost whatever you want in the "..." area, e.g., to comment your code or to temporarily disable some code by surrounding it with . However you cannot put a comment within a comment, unfortunately.
    provide a reference (a "link") to another document or to another place in the current document. The delimited text then becomes a "hot spot" which, when selected, causes the link to be made, i.e., the browser displays the new document or new area in the current document. The tag can also provide a name for a location in the current document to which some other code can link. provides a link to an image file. Note there is no end tag.
    delimit some division (block) of code. This is typically used to apply some particular CSS formatting to that specific block of code. delimit a section of text, which can be as small as a single character, to allow some particular CSS formatting to be applied to it. This is similar to the
    tag, but generally delimits a smaller amount of text. delimits an in-line element; the element flows in-line with the preceding and following text. In contrast,
    delimits a block of text which starts on a new line and may be otherwise spatially separated from preceding and following text, e.g., as a new paragraph is separated from the text of a preceding paragraph. These characteristics can be modified by specifying various CSS attributes for the and
    tells the browser to start a new line at this point, i.e., this causes a line break. Note there is no end tag.
    tells the browser to draw a horizontal rule. Note there is no end tag. Emphasis -------- A few tags are used to tell the browser to provide some sort of emphasis or special formatting for the delimited text: make the text bold. make the text italic. surround the text with quotation marks. Before CSS was invented, HTML tags were used to do all the format specifications. One heavily used tag for this was : display the text with a particular font, color, size, background, etc. Now that CSS is available to handle most of the format specification for documents, the font tag is deprecated in the current HTML specification, i.e., people are advised not to use it. It still works today, but support for it may disappear in the future, so it should be avoided. Instead use CSS to do this job. ======================================================================== =============================== CSS ================================== ======================================================================== As described above, HTML is used to provide a logical structure for the data in your web page. CSS is then used to specify the detailed appearance of the displayed data: text color and alignment, backgrounds, font size, margins and other spacing, borders, and much more. Structure of CSS Rules --------- -- --- ----- CSS formatting instructions are typically in the form of rules in the style section which is in the head part of the document. See the "General Document Structure" section above for a picture of this. Parts of the CSS rules can also be placed elsewhere, e.g., in an HTML start tag by using the style attribute, but that won't be covered here. Here is a CSS rule: h2 {color: white; background: green; width: 70%; text-align: center;} This says: For each h2 heading, make the text white on a green background, center the text in the heading, and make the width of the heading area cover 70% of the width of the containing element, which may be the page. In this case the green background will cover the 70% width allocated for the heading and the text will be centered in that area, taking up as much space as is required for the characters used for the heading text. The "h2" in the rule above is called the "selector" for the rule. The selector specifies the set of HTML elements to which the rule applies. The items inside the curly braces, e.g., "color: white;" each consist of a "property", e.g., "color:", followed by a "value", e.g., "white". Each property is terminated by a ":" and each value is terminated by a ";". A rule can contain as many of these property/value pairs as desired. The whole curly-brace-delimited combination is called a "declaration". Spacing between the objects within the declaration is ignored. Provide what spacing makes it most readable. If a rule is longer than desired, for readability (for example), you can create a second rule with the same selector and continue with that additional rule. Similarly you could add a third rule, etc. Or you could just split the declaration into multiple lines since the browser doesn't care about spacing and line breaks. Thus the following are equivalent to the example rule above: h2 {color: white; background: green; width: 70%;} h2 {text-align: center;} or h2 {color: white; background: green; width: 70%; text-align: center;} To summarize the terminology, a rule structure looks like this: |----------- declaration -------------| selector {property: value; ... property: value;} |--------------------- rule -------------------| More about Selectors ---- ----- --------- The selector can consist of a single element type, as in the above h2 example, or it can be more complicated to broaden or narrow the scope of the rule. For example, if the selector had been (note the commas), h2, h4, h5 {color: red;} that would say this rule should apply to all h2, h4, and h5 headers. You can also narrow the scope in various ways. For example, ul li {color: red;} Note the space instead of a comma between the "ul" and "li" HTML tag names. The rule in this example says the browser should color red the text in ANY list element found somewhere inside an unordered list; the list element might be many levels deep, e.g., inside an ordered list inside an ordered list inside an unordered list inside an ordered list. It does not have to be directly under the first or any other unordered list; it just has to occur somewhere after some unordered list starts and before it ends, and thus is within an unordered list. The ordering of the HTML tags in the selector is important, i.e., "ul li" vs. "li ul" in this example. This facility makes heavy use of the nesting concept described in the "Tag Nesting" section above. Sometimes you might want to restrict the rule to only a certain level of nesting. As discussed above in the "ul li {color: red}" example, it is possible that list items might be nested at various levels. Maybe you have an ordered list inside an unordered list. With the rule above, *all* list items within the scope of the unordered list, including those under the subordinate ordered list, would be colored red. If you wanted just the unordered list items to be red, then you can use the ">" character to say only the direct children of the "ul" tag are affected by the rule, not the grandchildren, or great grandchildren, etc. This does what you want to restrict the scope of the rule: ul > li {color: red;} You can mix and match these ways of specifying a selector to achieve whatever you want, e.g., div > ul li > p Additionally, you can specify that a rule should apply to only a certain named class of HTML tags, or even to just one specific tag in the whole document. Suppose for some of your h2 tags, you included a class="news" attribute, e.g.,

    News Item 1 ....

    News Item 2 ....

    etc. Then if you had the following CSS rules in the style section (note the "." before "news") h2 {color: green;} h2.news {color: red;} the class="news" h2 headings would have red text and the other h2 headings would have green text. To identify *one* specific element, you can use the "id" attribute and name value in the start tag of that element, and the "#" (instead of ".") and name qualifier on the desired rule's selector. For example, consider the following CSS rule in the style section: p#security {color: red; font-weight: 700;} and paragraph in the body of the document

    If you are sloppy with password security, you will be terminated immediately!

    There are other (less commonly used) selector facilities defined by CSS, which let you apply formatting to very specific items. See the CSS reference documentation. Comments -------- You can add comments within the style section by surrounding the comment with "/*" and "*/". For example, you can record comments about some obscure formatting you might later forget. Comments can also be used to temporarily disable a CSS rule so you can easily judge the effect on the document of not having the rule. Be careful to use only "/* ... */" comments in the style section, not the "" characters used to make HTML comments. Properties and Values ---------- --- ------ Some of the most commonly used CSS properties are described in a section below. For some of these properties, a length value is required. For example, a length value is needed to specify the width of a table, or the amount of space an element should be indented from the left margin of its parent element. There are various ways of specifying such a value. I usually use an em value, e.g., "margin: 2em", or a pixel value, e.g., "border: 4px solid black", or a percentage, e.g., "width: 60%". The size represented by an em depends on the font size used, but is very roughly the space taken by an "M" in that font. The actual size of one pixel depends on the hardware display and resolution used, but it is roughly 1/100 of an inch. The percentage is in terms of the parent element's size. For example, if a heading is given 50% of the width of a division which previously had been given 80% of the width of the page, the heading would be allocated 50% of the division width, i.e., 40% of the page width, but within the division. For web pages destined for printing, often pt is used for lengths, where one pt is 1/72 of an inch. Some properties (e.g., color, background, and border) require a color value to be specified. There are various ways to do this. One is to specify the value as #rrggbb where the rr, gg, and bb are hexadecimal numbers ranging from 00 to FF giving respectively the red, green, and blue components of the color. Thus #000000 is black, #FFFFFF is white, #FF0000 is red, and #800080 is purple. There are tables to show you what colors correspond to what hexadecimal values; see the references at the bottom of the "Sample HTML and CSS Coding" file (Sample_HTML_CSS.htm). For some colors, a name is provided, e.g., "red" or "aqua". In HTML (but not XHTML?) a similar way to specify a color is using an rgb(r,g,b) value, where r, g, and b are integers ranging from 0 to 255 (corresponding to the hexadecimal numbers 00 to FF). Another way is to use the rgb(r,g,b) value but this time with percentages of red, green, and blue, ranging from 0% to 100% for each color. The following are equivalent, all indicating the color aqua, which has no red and all green and blue in its color makeup. h3 {color: #00FFFF;} h3 {color: aqua;} h3 {color: rgb(0,255,255);} Not in XHTML? h3 {color: rgb(0%,100%,100%);} Not in XHTML? Inheritance and Cascading ----------- --- --------- The values of some (not all) properties can be passed from parent element to child element. This is called inheritance. For example, if you have a rule specifying that the text color for a division is red, then the color for every paragraph element in that division (unless overridden) will also be red, because the paragraph element is a child of the division element. If this is not desired, you can selectively override this inheritance for paragraphs for which you desire a different text color. One way to do such an override is to have a rule specifically designated for an element, e.g., by a .name or #name qualifier, as described above. If multiple ancestors specify conflicting values for a property for a descendant element, the property value of the ancestor closest to the descendant wins. For example, the direct parent wins over the grandparent (the parent's direct parent). All other things being equal, if multiple value specifications are made for the same property for an element, the last one specified in the source code will apply. So if you p {color: red;} in the style section followed sometime later by p {color: blue;}, then blue will be used. In addition to having CSS rules in the style section(s) of the source file, there are ways to have rules in other files and link/import them. This whole intricate way in which property values are determined is called "cascading", from which we get Cascading Style Sheets, CSS. Even though it sounds complicated, it is very flexible and allows you to specify very elaborate formats with very little coding and to isolate that coding to a small part of your source code. The Box Model of an Element --- --- ----- -- -- ------- Each document element occupies a rectangular box on the page. The innermost part of the box is the content, normally the text, which has a width and height. Surrounding this is padding; it, like the content, uses the background color for its background. Outside of the padding is a border, which can have its own color(s), and outside the border is a margin area, which has the background color of the direct parent element. The padding, border, and margin sizes (thickness) can all be 0. In fact, the thickness of each of the four sides (top, left, right, bottom) of the padding, border and margin areas can be specified independently. Thus you have great flexibility in specifying how you want things to appear. Here is a diagram of the box model of an element showing how the element's width is calculated: +----------------------------------+ | margin | | +-----------------------------+ | | | border | | | | +---------------------+ | | | | | padding | | | | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | content | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |<---(width)--->| | | | | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------+ | | | | | | | +-----------------------------+ | | | |<------- (NOT "width"!) --------->| +----------------------------------+ To reduce typing, there are various shortcuts for specifying the four sizes (one for each side) for the padding, border, and margin properties. You can specify them individually, e.g., padding-top: .5em. You can specify all four values in the order top, right, bottom, left as in margin: 1em 2em 3em 1.5em. You can specify just one number if all four sides have the same value, e.g., padding: 0. And there are other shortcuts I won't list here. For example you can have a rule like this for a division: div {padding: 2em 3em 2em 4.8em; margin-top: 10em; border: solid 1px black;} This means the division block will have padding of 2em on the top, 3em on the right, 2em on the bottom, and 4.8em on the left. The border will be a 1px solid black line on all four sides. Then there will be a margin of at least 10em between the div and the next element above it. The margins on the other three sides are not explicitly specified here, so they will be 0 by default if they were not specified in other rules for the division. A topic that often causes confusion is width. The CSS "width" property, e.g., in "div {width: 50em;}", refers to the width of the space allocated to the content part of the element, not the edge-to-edge size of the whole element. That edge-to-edge size of the element is the content width + the left and right padding around it + the left and right border space + the left and right margin space. See the diagram above. There is no specific CSS property of this element for that size. Earlier releases of Internet Explorer did not get this right. In general the browser displays the element boxes in the same order they appear in the source file. However CSS provides facilities to move an element out of its normal position, e.g., to display it at some fixed position on the screen or to shift it relative to its parent element or to the base. Elements can also be hidden, e.g., visible on a display but invisible on a printed document. The space normally used by that element optionally can be kept or can be made available for use by other elements. Such hiding/displaying can even be done dynamically, e.g., when a mouse cursor is put at a certain screen position. All in all, you have a great deal of flexibility in how you can have things appear. Some Commonly Used Properties ---- -------- ---- ---------- Much of your CSS styling can be done by using just the properties and values below. There are also a number of other less commonly used properties and values. These are described in the reference documents listed at the end of the "Sample HTML and CSS Coding" file (Sample_HTML_CSS.htm). Some properties are called "shorthand properties". They let you group together a number of individual properties in one property. For example background can have values for color, image, position, etc. These could be individually specified using background-color, background-image, background-position, etc. Just saying "background: red;" is the same as saying "background-color: red;" and using the defaults for the other background properties. This just saves some typing if changing the background color was the only thing desired. See the reference documents for details. color: value specifies text color. background: value typically specifies just the color of the element's background (strictly speaking this is background-color), but it can specify other properties for more complicated backgrounds, e.g., an image and its position. width: value specifies the width of the content area. height: value specifies the height of the content area. padding: value(s) specify the width(s) of the padding side(s). margin: value(s) specify the width(s) of the margin side(s). border: value specifies the width of the four border sides; you can also specify the border color and style, e.g., none, solid, dotted, dashed, and double. If you want different characteristics for the various sides, you can use other properties, e.g., border-left and border-top-width. There are a number of such properties to group specifications in various ways. font: values specify the font family, e.g., helvetica or courier, the font weight, e.g., 100 (lightest) thru 900 (heaviest) with 400 = "normal and 700 = "bold, the font size in pixels or as a percentage of the font size used by the parent, and the font style, e.g., italic. These properties can all be specified on one font property or they can be specified individually, e.g., "font-weight: 700;" to produce a bold font. For font-family you can specify multiple values separated by commas. Working from the left end of this list, the browser will use the first font family found installed on the PC. float: values can be "left" or "right" to cause the element to be floated toward the left or right side of the page. The following elements, e.g., paragraphs, can then bend around that element. clear: values of "left", "right", or "both" prevent elements from being floated to the left, right, or either side of this element. list-style-type: value specifies the type of marker used for this list. For example, for an unordered list you normally get a bullet for each list element, but with this property you can say "none" to prevent displaying the glyph or say "square" to change the shape of the glyph. For an ordered list, the outermost list normally displays list items as 1., 2., etc. Specifying a list-style-type value of "upper-latin" causes the list items to be started with A., B., etc. There are many other values you can choose from or have the system chose automatically to distinguish various levels of imbedded lists. text-align: values of "left", "right", and "center" specify the horizontal alignment of text in the content box. text-decoration: value of "underline" underlines the text. Other Considerations ----- -------------- Different browsers may display the same source file differently. Sometimes this is because one or the other browser has a bug. It can also occur because the browsers assume different defaults (which may also be a bug if the CSS standard specifies a required default adequately and a browser doesn't implement this). If you are lucky, you can solve this sort of problem by explicitly specifying some property values instead of letting the browsers use their (possibly differing) default values. Jeff Knauth --------------------------------- End ----------------------------------