Information Mainly for Precinct 19-19 Voters
Last Updated:
9/7/24 18:35
Jeffrey Knauth
CONTENTS (click a topic to jump it)
Voters who require
curbside parking or
accessible parking should follow these
parking instructions.
Election Day, 11/5/24 is expected to be a teacher workday
at Sanford Creek Elementary School (SCES). Therefore there will be
no carpool
lines for voters to avoid in this election. Note,
however, this may not apply for other elections. Always check
here for each election. Updated: 5/19/24
NOTE: This web page has general
information about elections and the Precinct 19-19 polling place. It
stays pretty much the same for each election.
Detailed information about preceding elections
can be found
Upcoming election: The
next election for Precinct 19-19 will be a general election on
11/5/24. The political party with which you are affiliated does not
matter for this election; your party affiliation does not determine the
ballot you will receive.
Updated: 5/19/24
To vote normally in this election you must present a photo ID, e.g.,
an NC driver license. See
voter photo ID for
the eligible types of ID, associated expiration dates, exceptions, and
other photo ID information. If you are voting in-person at an early
voting site or at the polling place on Election Day, don't forget to
bring your photo ID into the voting enclosure.
Information about the election will be posted on the Wake County Board
of Elections (WCBOE)
Election Information web page, which will be updated as Election
Day approaches.
Consider becoming a
Precinct Official.
Know your precinct and polling
place: Everyone needs to know in which precinct you are now
registered (see next section) and go to vote in the polling place for
that precinct if you vote on Election Day. That is where your pollbook
data is located; it is not in the pollbooks at any other polling place
on Election Day. Keep your registration data up-to-date, e.g., if you
move. The Election Day polling place for Precinct 19-19 is Sanford
Creek Elementary School at 701 Granite Falls Blvd. in Rolesville. See
below for
maps and pictures.
Getting registration and ballot
information: You can easily
check your voter registration information,
including your currently recorded name, residence address, party
affiliation, precinct, polling place, and municipality (if any). You
will also see the voting jurisdictions you are in, e.g., NC House, Wake
County Commissioner, and School (Board of Education). Normally a month
or more before Election Day you can
view the exact ballot(s) that will be available to
you for that election. Always keep your voter registration data
up-to-date, e.g., if you move.
Of course, if you have not already done so, please
register to vote! You can register as
described in the
how to update section below.
Updated: 5/19/24
Mail-in absentee ballots and early voting
sites: If you will not be able to vote at your polling
place on Election Day or just choose to vote early, you can either
submit an
ballot or vote at an
voting site before Election Day.
The closest early voting site to our area is the
County Northern Regional Center in Wake Forest.
Updated: 5/19/24
Do not wait until the last minute to request and then mail in an
absentee ballot. If the ballot is received too late, e.g., because of
USPS processing delays, the ballot will not be counted.
If you request an absentee ballot and have signed up with
BallotTrax (see below for how to access it), BallotTrax will send
you reports so you can track the progress of your request and then the
ballot thru the system. BallotTrax will first report receipt of your
absentee ballot request by the WCBOE and then report the mailing of the
ballot package to you by the WCBOE. When you have completed the ballot
package and mailed it back to the WCBOE, USPS will notify BallotTrax
that it now has the package. BallotTrax will then report to you that
USPS has the package and it is on the way to the WCBOE, then report when
the package has arrived at the WCBOE, and finally report when the ballot
has been accepted, i.e., you have now voted. If the WCBOE detects some
problem with your ballot request or the information you returned with
the ballot, e.g., a missing signature, the WCBOE will try to contact
you. BallotTrax can be accessed thru the "Voter Lookup" link on the
WCBOE home page.
Maps and
pictures: The items in this section focus on Precinct 19-19.
For those voters using Rogers Road to get to Granite Falls Boulevard,
note the SIX overhead traffic lights at that intersection. The turn is
now hard to miss.
Note: If you want a more detailed map, try
the very useful
iMAPS tool described below. You can focus on an
area to clearly show all its streets with their names, as well as
highlighting things like municipal corporate boundaries and voting
How to check your voter registration
information: When certain changes occur, such as when a
redistricting changes the jurisdictional areas you are in or if you have
updated your registration information with the Wake County Board of
Elections (WCBOE), e.g., after a move, the WCBOE mails an updated voter
card to each affected voter. That card lists your (possibly changed)
polling place and your (possibly changed) voting jurisdiction
information, including your municipality, e.g., Wake Forest, Rolesville,
or Unincorporated, as well as your name, residence address, and party
You can see your
registration information online by clicking on "Voter Lookup" near
the top of the
WCBOE home page. This
links to the "Voter Search" page provided by the NC State BOE (NCSBE).
The WCBOE website has a number of other paths to get to the NCSBE "Voter
Search" page. In the following I'll just use "Voter Lookup" to cover
all such paths.
How to view a sample ballot appropriate
for you: The "Voter Lookup" facility mentioned above also
lets you view images of the ballot(s) applicable to you in the upcoming
election. These images are usually made available a month or more
before the election. Each image exactly duplicates what you would see
on the associated hardcopy ballot. Viewing your ballot before the
election lets you vote more quickly on Election Day.
Sample ballots are temporarily NO LONGER AVAILABLE
for the 11/5/24 election. Clicking the ballot style found thru "Voter
Lookup" (described in the section above) will not currently display the
associated sample ballot.
This outage is because of the "on or off the ballot" status of the "We
the People Party", whose presidential nominee is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
That status now has to be decided by the NC Supreme Court. If the
decision is "off", new ballots will have to be created, both paper and
digital. That may take a while. If the decision is "on", then the
ballots originally displayed on 8/31/24 should return pretty quickly.
The sample ballot display is provided by the NC BOE. For details on the
current situation, see this
NC BOE press release.
Updated: 9/07/24
To view which ballot(s) may apply for you, enter your identification
data in "Voter Lookup". When your registration data is displayed,
scroll down to the "Your Sample Ballot" section and click on the link
for the ballot style you wish to view, e.g, N0009. If you see
No eligible ballots instead of a ballot style, that means you are
not eligible to vote in this election. For example, that will occur if
this is a municipal election, but you don't live within the corporate
limits of the municipality having the election. It can also occur if
this is a partisan primary election, but your party has no contests in
this election.
For a general election or a municipal election, party affiliations
are ignored. They do matter in partisan primary elections.
An Unaffiliated voter may see several possible ballot styles for a
partisan primary election. All can be viewed here; however when
actually voting later, the Unaffiliated voter must choose just one of
these styles. In contrast, for partisan voters in a partisan primary
election or for all voters in a general or municipal election, only one
sample ballot style will be displayed for each voter.
North Carolina has a number of political parties, i.e., those
recognized by the NC State Board of Elections as able to have candidates
in an election. Which parties are currently recognized changes often.
If you are registered as an affiliate of one of these parties, in a
partisan primary election you can vote only for contests of that party
(assuming there are any such contests). You are also restricted to that
party if a "second primary" election is required because the primary
election left some contests undecided.
In contrast, an Unaffiliated voter can choose a party for the
partisan primary election and can vote only for the contests of that
party. If a second primary election is required, the Unaffiliated voter
must stay with the party choice made for the primary. If no choice was
made for the primary, the Unaffiliated voter can choose any party in the
second primary. After the second primary election (or after the primary
election if no second primary was required), the Unaffiliated voter's
party choice is reset so the voter can now again choose any party in the
next partisan election.
How to update your voter registration
information: If you haven't yet registered, you must do so
by a specific date for the election in which you wish to vote; this
deadline will be posted on the
WCBOE website. Don't put
it off to the last minute. If you have moved or changed your name after
you previously registered, please notify the WCBOE to get your
registration updated. Doing that early will make things go much faster
and more smoothly for you on Election Day.
All this registering and updating can be done with the form and
instructions found on the WCBOE website under
"Voter Information". You use exactly the same form to do any of
these: register to vote, update your name, change your address, or
change your party affiliation. Data can and probably should be entered
into the online form to reduce misreads of handwritten information.
Then print the form, sign it, and mail it. You can now also register or
update your registration information thru the
Online Voter Registration portal. Once your first-time or updated
registration has been processed, the WCBOE will mail you a new voter
Instead of mailing a registration form, unregistered voters can
register at an early voting site. Also, at those sites currently
registered voters can make some changes, e.g., you can change your
registered name and your residence address. However you CANNOT
change your party affiliation at an early voting site; you must submit
a registration form (see above) to make a party change.
Updated: 8/31/24
Wait at the Tabulator to see
your ballot's status: Our current model Tabulator has
worked very well since being introduced in 2019. However there is one
thing we want to emphasize to voters: After firmly sliding your ballot
into the Tabulator slot, PLEASE WAIT the few seconds it takes until the
display shows whether the ballot was accepted or rejected. If you don't
wait and just hurry out the door, we have to try to chase you down if
the Tabulator has detected an error after you ran, e.g., if you marked
too many entries in one or more contests.
If you select too many in a contest, until we bring you back to say
how you want to proceed, no one else can cast their ballot. The voter
line is held up until you are available to say whether you want the
Tabulator to ignore the extra-marked contest(s) or instead have us give you
a new ballot to fill out all over again. All this goes much faster if
we don't have to chase you. If we can't catch you, we have no choice
but to tell the Tabulator to ignore all the extra-marked contest(s) on
your ballot so it can be read in, thus allowing the other (patiently
waiting) voters to now cast their ballots.
Even worse, your ballot may be rejected by the Tabulator if you
mismarked it using X's, or checkmarks, or smiley faces, or red ink, or
something else, instead of just filling out the ovals with the supplied
black ink pens, per the instructions. Such an invalid ballot can cause
a real mess if you can't be chased down. Please just wait to see your
ballot's status.
Special considerations for the 19-19
polling place: Below are several things 19-19 voters will
need to consider about Sanford Creek Elementary School. The six WCBOE
illustrate some of these points.
- Use the correct entrance driveway to get to the
voter parking area. See the
19-19 polling
place map.
If you enter Granite Falls Blvd. from Rogers
Rd., the first school entrance driveway you encounter (the one on
the west side of the school property) is ONLY for school buses.
We'll have signs warning people that this is NOT an entrance for
voters. The correct driveway (the one on the east side) is about
1/4 mile further along.
Similarly, if you enter Granite Falls Blvd.
from W. Young St., do not turn at the first road you encounter on
the left. That leads to some private businesses, not the school.
We'll have signs warning people that this is NOT an entrance for
voters. The school entrance driveway is the second road on the
left, just around the bend.
At the entrance driveway there is a large stone
sign saying "701 Sanford Creek Elementary School". There is also
a round sign showing a cartoon bluejay, the SCES mascot. The
driveway goes up a steep hill and leads to a large parking area
in front of the school, which is not visible from Granite Falls
- Unfortunately the correct
entrance driveway is the one used by "carpool" parents to
drop off and pick up their kids. If you try to drive in at
certain times, you may find yourself involved with a long, slow
line of such cars; this may make it difficult to get into or out
of a parking place. Try to avoid the "carpool" times. The
latest information from the school for this Election Day is
listed below.
Election Day, 11/5/24, is expected to be a teacher workday at Sanford Creek
Elementary School. Therefore there will be
no carpool lines for
voters to avoid in this election. Note, however, this may not
apply for other elections. Always check here for each
election. Updated: 5/19/24.
No matter when you arrive, always follow the signs and watch
out for cones which may require you to wind around the parking
area; don't try to take a shortcut. Be very careful if you use
the narrow passing lane to go beside the "carpool" line.
If you do arrive at the wrong time, a way to
avoid the "carpool" line is to use one of the two gravel parking
lots adjacent to the school, just off Scarboro St. See the
Alternate Parking
Lot signs on the sign placement diagram. There is a
small, grassy hill between the larger lot and the school. Since
there is no sidewalk or other prepared pathway over that hill,
walk carefully, especially if the grass is wet. These gravel
lots are normally used for the Town of Rolesville's Main Street
Park. The Town has given the WCBOE permission to use them for
voter parking.
- The voting enclosure (the room where you vote) is the school's
Media Center. The entrance for it is on the left side of the
building's front, hiding around a corner. Don't try to use the
building's main entrance, which is toward the right. We'll have
signs to steer you to the Media Center entrance.
- For exit from the Media Center, use only the door that you used
for entry. Do not try to exit by the rear door into the main
school building. We'll probably have that inside door partially
blocked in some way -- to be used only as an emergency exit.
Instructions for Curbside and Accessible Parking
For those needing curbside assistance, i.e., people physically
unable to come inside to vote, the curbside parking area will be at the
building's front, near the Media Center entrance. See the links below.
The accessible parking area is there as well. These parking
places may not be too visible when you first enter the school's parking
lot (there's a lot of winding around to get there), but we'll have
Cars needing curbside parking should go completely around the loop by
the building's entrance. See the
flow and
curbside and accessible parking diagrams. This
ensures curbside-parking cars will be properly oriented at the curbside
doorbell stand. This orientation also provides easy exit from curbside
parking back into the "carpool" traffic flow.
For people needing curbside or accessible parking facilities, it is
strongly advised that they
NOT come to vote close to the school's
"carpool" times noted above. Navigating around the
"carpool" line to reach the special parking areas can be confusing and
difficult. At other times (i.e., no "carpool" line), it is much easier
-- just follow the pavement arrows and our direction signs to get to the
curbside or accessible parking areas.
handout repeats much of the
above curbside considerations. It also includes a diagram to emphasize
the "go around the loop" path that should be taken to enter the curbside
area. We intend to give this handout to each curbside voter in case
they have not seen the information elsewhere. This should help in future
Please pass on the above information to your
Bookmark this web page for future reference.
Jeff Knauth
Chief Judge for Precinct 19-19
(This web page is not an official Wake County Board of Elections document.
It is being provided as a courtesy
by me to Precinct 19-19 voters to help
them in the voting process, in particular at the 19-19 polling place.)
History of Recent Significant Changes
- 5/19/24: Reset change tags to initialize this file for the 11/5/24 general election.
- 6/25/24: Some HTML/CSS cleanup; no content changes.
- 8/31/24: Sample ballots are now available for the 11/5/24 election.
- 8/31/24: Clarified that a change for the voter's party cannot be done at an early voting site;
a registration form is required.
- 9/06/24: Noted that sample ballots are no longer available (temporarily), pending an NC Supreme Court decision.
- 9/07/24: Provided more on sample ballot unavailability, including a link to an NC BOE press release.
Try iMAPS for More Detailed Maps
The above modified WCBOE
precinct map is at a
high level and gives a good overview. However if anyone wants to dig
REALLY deep (down to the lowest level) into things like voting precinct
boundaries, municipal corporate boundaries, NC state senate and
representative districts, flood plains, greenways, judicial districts,
county commissioner districts, and dozens of other such regions, Wake
County has a great, free, public tool called
Using the iMAPS Layers facility, you can display a map showing such
regions as those listed above. You can zoom in or out, down to
individual houses/lots or up to the whole county. You can display
multiple layers simultaneously, e.g., how voting precincts and municipal
corporate boundaries intersect (important for a municipal election).
You can do searches and view property information, e.g., ownership,
taxes, and deeds. You can blend street and aerial views. And much more
-- this description just scratches the surface of what the tool can do.
iMAPS Usage: Voting Precincts vs
Municipal Corporate Boundaries for a step-by-step practical
Precinct 19-10 Division Done in 2017
Voting Precinct 19-10, which had used the Jones Dairy
Elementary School as its polling place, grew large enough that it needed
to be divided in two by the Wake County Board of Elections. (As of 2024
it would have had about 13,000 registered voters.) This division
was done in 2017. Precinct 19-10 no longer exists. The part of old
19-10 north of Chalk Road is now the new 19-18 precinct; it still has
Jones Dairy Elementary as its polling place. However all the rest of
old 19-10 is now the new 19-19 precinct and has as its polling place
Sanford Creek Elementary School at 701 Granite Falls Blvd. in
Rolesville. See the
Precinct 19-19
overview map; there are other
maps and pictures in a section above.