* *** COMMENTS_ON_2021.V.1_DOCUMENTS TXT - 19 Sep 2021 23:57:34 - JGKNAUTH Comments on 2021.v.1 Documents ======== == ======== ========= The comments below are editorial fixes/suggestions. They should be considered for the next update of the documents, presumably for the March 2022 primary election. You might create a FAQ or Late-Breaking News item for some of them for the November 2021 election. I had made many of these same comments on the 2020.v.2 documents; see http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/Comments_on_2020.v.2_Documents.txt Yet they still apply to the 2021.v.1 documents. 2021 Municipal Elections Manual (2021.v.1) ---- --------- --------- ------ ---------- Page 10: In the "Open" section, "Close and seal the cardboard boxes". -> "Close and seal any full cardboard boxes". Add "It is acceptable to leave a box unsealed if it is not yet full. Then you can add more ballots to that box at the end of the day before sealing all the boxes." This was previously confirmed last year in an FAQ, but the Manual has not been corrected. Page 14: Why was the "Return supplies ..." item deleted under both the Chief Judge and Coordinator sections? (I wish we didn't have to do this return [not my favorite task], but wishing does not make it so.) Page 15: Under "During the Day": What about working with the Chief Judge on voter challenges? I know this never occurs (so far), but it was important enough to have a full page (92) later in the Manual. Page 16: Fourth item from bottom: "(except for restroom breaks or ..." -> "(except for restroom breaks, meal breaks, or ...". Usually our Officials take meal breaks one person at a time, and are typically isolated in the Break Room for that. Page 23: Seventh bullet: For the normal booths, add "Twisting the legs into the divots helps create a tighter seal." This was done on page 24 for the accessible booths, although "help" should have been "helps" there. Page 30, 86: The Chief Judge quiz has a question about buffer zones vs multiple entrances and exits. I didn't see anywhere in the Manual where the "not at exits" was made clear. I recall it was covered in an FAQ some time ago. Page 32: First paragraph: "all eligible registered voters in your precinct, ..." -> "all eligible registered voters in your precinct who have not voted in this election,". Page 56: Also cover the case in which the voter changes his/her mind after getting an ATV but before getting a ballot. This is described in the BTQG. Page 63: Item 5. "Sign and date Section B of the ATV." I have pointed out the missing "and date" many times. Item 8. Mention that the ATV should not be numbered yet. Item 14: "to check the ATV and then place the ballot ..." I am the person that usually gets the ATV/ballot from the curbside person. Very often I have found that the Official forgot to sign and/or date the form. The CJ/J should always check the ATV and get it correct before proceeding. Page 64: As was agreed to last year, it is alright to pre-tear-off some stickers, just not more than will be needed. The VAQG has it right. Just use the same wording in the Manual. The intent was not to tear off a huge number of stickers that might then go to waste. Every election I have worked in, the Tabulator Monitor always tends to tear off a few and have them ready to go since that can make things go more smoothly, especially when there is a burst of activity in that area. Page 80: The highlighting of the individual reason types was removed. I think the bold type was helpful in last year's manual. In general I like this year's use of sans-serif font style vs last year's serif style. I did prefer the smaller font size last year, which resulted in fewer overflowed lines than this year. However if the size change was intentional because someone found the smaller font size hard to read, so be it. Page 83: In the "ATV Forms" section: "If a Registration Official marked an A ..." -> "If a Registration Official or Chief Judge marked an A ..." Page 88: First paragraph: "collect lists of people who have voted from observers." -> "collect from observers lists of people who have voted." Page 101: Under Electioneering: "persons" -> "person's" Page 102: Somehow get in "who have not voted" a la the page 32 comment above. Page 104: Item 4: Add "although that is usually undesirable." This would also be added to the corresponding item on page 4 of the RTQG. I noticed that although the text of the Manual and the RTQG are almost identical, the RTQG has additional text for items 4 and 9; the RTQG is the more critical document for this procedure, so if one is to have more info, the RTQG is the right one. Again, after judicious use of a 3/8-inch drill, various size bits, and a rat-tail file, the Manual now fits in my three-ring binder with the rest of my election material. Chief Judge Pocket Guide (2021.v.1) ----- ----- ------ ----- ---------- Page 16: Last item: "Ballot Too Long." -> "Ballot Held Too Long." Note the true cause is listed in the column right beside the supposed error message text. I have pointed out this weird text many times. Is it really what the DS200 displays? If so, have you pointed out the unusual text to ES&S? Page 22: You deleted mention of a second "Voters in Line" form to be used for curbside cars waiting in line after 7:30. I assume no form was deemed necessary for the 11/2/21 light election. However I hope this second form is not dropped for future busy elections where there could well be a line of cars at some polling places. Voter Assistance Quick Guide (2021.v.1) ----- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- Page 6: See CJPG comment immediately above about "Ballot Too Long". Registration Table Quick Guide (2021.v.1) ------------ ----- ----- ----- ---------- Page 1: Under "Packing Up After the Polls Close": You say seal all the boxes with blue painter's tape; that wording includes the pollbooks box. However the last item on page 4 of the RTQG and page 30 of the CJPG allow the Officials to instead use a flap interlock for that box. FYI, I tell my people to use blue tape on both the pollbook and ATV boxes. Page 4: See Manual page 104 comment above. Help Table Quick Guide (2021.v.1) ---- ----- ----- ----- ---------- Flow Chart 1: Page 2, In the '"V" PRINTED ON LABEL' area: Page 74 of the Manual has some good questions to ask the voter to resolve a "V" situation. It's too detailed to go in the flowchart, but it might be a good idea to put a reminder here to look at that part of the Manual if it is hard to determine why "V" occurred for the voter. Page 3, note 1 at bottom: Add "In any case, put the ATV in the red Provisional Envelopes and Pollbook Pages bag." Jeff