* *** COMMENTS_ON_5-2018.2_CHIEF_JUDGE_POCKET_GUIDE TXT - 29 Mar 2018 21:13:38 - JKNAUTH Comments on Chief Judge Pocket Guide -------- -- ----- ----- ------ ----- The latest Chief Judge Pocket Guide looks good. The handling for the transmission elimination is very clear. Below are some of my old comments, which may now fit better in the next revision. There are also two new ones, marked with "======", for which I need answers for the May election. Chief Judge Pocket Guide (5-2018.2) ----- ----- ------ ----- Page 8: Append to the Tabulator bullet: "(already set up per the directions in the Tabulator case)" Previously you had said there was no room on this page to reference the instruction document found in the Tabulator case. Perhaps that could be solved by just appending the above phrase to the bullet. Page 16: Bullet 5 on restrictions for candidates and campaigners: Add ======= "Nor may they enter the voting enclosure just to access a restroom." We were previously told to enforce this sort of restriction. Has that changed? If not, it would certainly help to have some supporting documentation from the BOE. I had also raised this in last year's postmortem report in the Campaigner's section: http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/Postmortem_2017-11-07.txt Needless to say, such a situation could get "anxious"(?) and/or messy. The SCES polling place and voting enclosure does not have any restrooms for non-voters. In my prior polling places there were restrooms available in the polling place that could be accessed without going thru the voting enclosure. So candidates and campaigners could use the facilities, as long as they were not campaigning, etc. along the way. Page 19: Last bullet: I will continue to manually insert "(NOT the Tabulator)" after "into the AutoMARK". Page 20: First heading: Replace "Insert any Emergency Bin Ballots" with "Open the Emergency Bin". Outdent the last three bullets in that section to make them level 1 bullets. The above edit essentially says the emergency bin must always be opened. Then it is processed with the indented bullets if there are ballots in the bin. Finally the last three bullets ("Close and lock...", "Place any notes...", "Record the number..." are executed in both the bin empty and non-empty cases. Pages 24 and 25: Was it intentional to move the bullet "Any items you ======== were issued at supply pickup..."? It is now on page 25 as things to pack in the CJ's car. In the prior Version 5-2018 and in the published CJ PG for the 11/7/18 election, this bullet was under "Things to Leave at the Polling Place" (on page 24 in the current version). Was this a procedural change from the way it has worked for me for many prior elections? As I have noted previously, my car is *FULL* when I leave Tuesday night -- trunk, back seat and floor, front seat and floor. I don't have any room to also carry the six cones. I'll bet other people might have even worse problems. Also, will the remote site be prepared to get all this additional stuff? I need an answer to this ASAP if I have to figure some way to deal with it. Page 25: At CJ class we were told that special CJ badges of some type were being resurrected and we must be sure to return them. Back in the old days I had the CJ PG author add a checklist item for this item for packup because it was so easy for the CJ to forget to take off and pack the badge that had been worn all day. I did that once, found I still had the badge on under my coat when I got home, and returned it later. Several elections ago, the special magnetic badges were eliminated and the associated checklist item was deleted from the CJ PG. There is now version 2 of the must-be-returned badges, so the checklist item needs to be returned to the CJ PG. Page 25: I sure hope 9:00 closure of the remote sites is late enough. Knightdale is a LONG way from my Rolesville polling place and the road isn't good at all. It doesn't take too much to go wrong to cause a delay in leaving the polling place. And I definitely do not want to hurry that departure, leaving something not properly finished. I guess we'll see how it works in this and larger elections. Jeff