* *** COMMENTS_ON_VOTER_ID_CLASS_MATERIAL TXT - 7 Mar 2016 13:15:15 - JKNAUTH Below are my comments on some documents which were either provided at the 3/5/16 Voter ID class or are related to Voter ID. Those flagged with "=======" are the most important. 2016 Primary Training FAQs (3/5/16) ---- ------- -------- ---- Page 4: "Nonreasonable resemblance" item (the last item) under Help ======= Table Training. The FAQ now says the voter cannot bring a different photo ID to the BOE instead of the one that was rejected at the polling place. I raised this as a problem in the 3/5/16 ID class. Same comment applies to page 19 of the Voter ID Supplemental Guide dated 2/25/16, which says the voter at the BOE "is NOT eligible to show another photo ID". However see the push card and the NC Voter ID poster, which both say take "an acceptable photo ID"; nothing about taking the "nonreasonable" ID. Even worse, the current Provisional Voter Instruction form given to the voter unambiguously says "If you were required to vote a provisional ballot because you did not present an acceptable photo identification, you must bring an acceptable photo identification ..." They say nothing about bringing the "nonreasonable" (unacceptable) ID instead of a better one. How does the voter know it is a requirement to do what the FAQ and Supplemental Guide now say? Certainly the voter would interpret the Provisional Voter Instruction form to mean he should bring a better ID, not the one that the three judges unanimously declared had provided an unreasonable resemblance. But the Supplemental Guide and FAQ, quoting some NC SBOE source, say exactly the opposite. If a voter drives all the way to the BOE, believing he exactly followed the written instructions on the form, and is then rejected by the BOE for not following the FAQ edict, probably not good things will happen. If the form, poster, and push card are incorrect (seems unlikely), the BOE should provide some clear warning and correction by election day. If BOTH the bad ID and a better one (if available) should be taken to the BOE office, say so. From what I have seen at classes, few election officials read the PO website Training FAQs, so an e-mail from Gary before election day may be needed to get the right information distributed so the HT officials can warn the voters if the form, etc. are wrong. Or, if instead the FAQ and Supplement Guide are wrong, get those fixed and warn the people who have already seen them. This appears to be a serious screwup if the SBOE made a recent change to the rules, but did not change any of their public documents to match. The statement in the current public documents seems much more reasonable. Voter ID Supplemental Guide (2/25/16) ----- -- ------------ ----- Page 3: DMV ID: At least hint that there is an expiration exception for >=70 voters. Page 7: By "AT EARLY VOTING" in middle image, add "OR HELP TABLE". The HT people may also need to handle >=70 cases, but they won't have the pollbook tabs to look at. Page 7: As noted in comments on other documents, I dislike the chart at the bottom of the page. I think it is easier to add 70 to the birthdate and compare that 70th-birthday date to the expiration date. At the class we were told that new charts would be provided for this test; I have not seen those. Page 8: Add a note that there is an exception for >=70 voters for expired out-of-state licenses and refer to the previous page. Page 9: To make sure I understand: Apparently the rule has changed ======= from a few months ago. Now an expired photo ID is an acceptable HAVA ID, just as long as it has met the NC SBOE expiration requirements. That is certainly neater for all processing. I hope it is true; I just want to be sure. Page 9: When the HT processes an ATV, is there a difference in HAVA ID ======= processing depending on whether the ATV came directly from the RT or if it came from a curbside voter, e.g., an ID + V case from curbside? See questions below on the "Voter ID Sample Signs and Forms" handout about some big (intentional?) differences between the two HAVA ID lists in that handout. I hope there is just *one* HAVA ID list that applies for all ATV ID cases and curbside non-photo ID cases. Is there just one? What is it? Document it in one place and refer to that one place whenever HAVA ID information is required. Pages 10, 11, and 13: I'm assuming that if a voter gives a verbal ======= explanation for a name difference, e.g., a name change due to marriage, that is acceptable. Certainly that's what the class seemed to imply and seems to be in the general spirit of determining in favor of the voter (who is then signing an affirmation on the ATV with an associated felony-class penalty for perjury). Ditto for a photo explanation. The SBOE video, https://vimeo.com/148408514, shows a case in which the voter voluntarily supplies supporting information (without an explicit request by the official, although there was an implicit request). The ID class also showed a case in which such information was supplied. However it also showed another case in which there was no documentation supplied to support the name change, so presumably a verbal explanation was accepted. That's the way we will operate on 3/15/16. Page 11: For the next iteration of the HR form, they should edit it to clarify that section C applies to both name and/or photo resemblance, since it could apply to either or both. Maybe "C: Evaluation of Reasonable Resemblance of Photo ID" -> "C: Evaluation of Reasonable Resemblance of Photo ID -- Image and/or Name". Page 19: Forth line: "will when" -> "will then" Page 19: See above comment for FAQ page 3 on nonreasonable resemblance ======= photo ID taken to BOE. Voter ID Sample Signs and Forms (undated, passed out at 3/5/16 class) ----- -- ------ ----- --- ----- NC Voter ID poster and push card under "Forgot Your Acceptable Photo ID" ======= See above comment for FAQ page 3 on nonreasonable resemblance photo ID taken to BOE. There is a mismatch between the public documents and the most recent BOE FAQ and class handouts. List of Acceptable IDs for Curbside Voters (On Back of Curbside Shield) ======= The age >=70 exception for a DMV photo ID is not mentioned. I assume this was not intentional since it is at curbside where the exception might apply the most. ======= The HAVA list here for curbside is now more restrictive than previously used (e.g., no more student ID, birth certificate, other government-issued photo ID, or certified naturalization document). Was this intentional? If so, why are these IDs allowed on the "Voters with ID Printed on the ATV..." page? (See below.) I assume the change from 6 months to 2 months for the "current document" is correct. Voters with ID Printed on the ATV or Designated as ID Required in SOSA ======= The information on this page does not match that on the "List of Acceptable IDs for Curbside Voters..." page. (See above.) This page says nothing about expiration requirements, but should. I assume the change from 6 months to 2 months for the "current document" is correct. As usual, I don't like seeing large amounts of detailed information repeated in several places since it very often gets out of sync. PowerPoint Slides for 3/5/16 ID Class ---------- ------ --- ------ -- ----- Slide 27: I'm sure many people might have thought (as I did) that this ======== was some form of Learner's Permit. I have never seen an NC Learner's Permit. If it is important to know what one looks like, why don't the BOE(s) show one in training materials and documentation for election officials? Also, why doesn't the Answer Key (Slide 61) explain why this is an invalid ID? Slide 30: "the voter can show" -> "the voter can (but is not required to) show". In fact the Supplemental Guide emphasizes that the official must not even ask for further information (except by implication, as the video shows). Jeff Knauth