"File Change Summary" with Separator Line Date of 11/5/24
Last Updated:
12/21/24 22:50
The "Changed Files" vs "Recent Changes"
comparison is done only for files above the separation line in "Changed
The number of unique, meaningful fileids in "WakeBOE_TOC" from 2023 to now is 74.
1) Unmatched files in the list of "Changed Files" (in "Changed Files", but not in "Recent Changes")
GOOD All files matched. There is a description for every file changed after the separation line date.
2) Unmatched files in the list of "Recent Changes" (in "Recent Changes", but not in "Changed Files")
There may be multiple change dates for some of these files. Also, if many lines are in
this section, the separation line date and the "Recent Changes" file may not be in sync.
- 11/19/24 Pictures from 11/5/24 Election
- 11/12/24 Postmortem on the 11/5/24 Election at Precinct 19-19
3) A list of any files which were changed on multiple dates
- 11/26/24 Pictures from 11/5/24 Election
- 11/19/24 Pictures from 11/5/24 Election
- 11/21/24 Postmortem on the 11/5/24 Election at Precinct 19-19
- 11/12/24 Postmortem on the 11/5/24 Election at Precinct 19-19
4) The nine most recently changed files from those listed in "WakeBOE_TOC"
Note that files not in the WakeBOE directory are NOT included in this list, although
they can be named in "WakeBOE_TOC". An example is a Google Photos album.
- 11/21/24 Postmortem_2024-11-05.htm
- 11/18/24 Election_Statistics.pdf
- 11/15/24 RT_Change_Log.htm
- 11/15/24 RT_Procedure_SMALL.htm
- 11/15/24 RT_Flowchart.htm
- 11/12/24 Sanford_Creek_Elementary_Curbside_Parking_without_comments.pdf
- 11/12/24 Sanford_Creek_Elementary_Curbside_Parking.pdf
- 11/09/24 19-19.htm
- 11/09/24 Packing_Up_after_Election.htm