* *** NEXTDOOR_POSTS_FOR_2022-11-08 TXT - 3 Nov 2022 15:29:40 - JGKNAUTH (Nextdoor post done on 9/04/22 for Precinct 19-19) ======================================================================== Information about the 11/8/22 Election ----------- ----- --- ------- -------- If you are seeing this post, it is likely that you are in Wake County Voting Precinct 19-19 or else are very nearby. This post is meant for Precinct 19-19 voters, but much of it also applies to adjacent precincts. There will be a general election on 11/8/22. If you are a Wake County registered voter and have lived in Precinct 19-19 for at least 30 days, you are probably eligible to vote at our Sanford Creek Elementary School (SCES) polling place on Election Day. Some good news: There will be no classes and thus no carpool lines on this Election Day. Sample ballots are now available online. The 19-19.htm webpage, http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/19-19.htm, tells you how you can access the sample ballot applicable to you. Be aware this a *LONG*, two-sided ballot. There are many contests as well as two Wake County bonds on all the ballots. Additionally, voters who reside in Wake Forest will have four additional bonds to vote on. Please view/print your sample ballot to get familiar with everything so you can mark your actual ballot more quickly on Election Day. The time voters must spend in the voting booth to mark their ballots may be a problem in this election, resulting in lines as voters wait for a voting booth to become available. As usual, http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/19-19.htm has general reference material for Precinct 19-19 voters, e.g., maps and special considerations for the Sanford Creek Elementary School polling place. There is also information about absentee and early voting. There is a lot on that page, but it doesn't change much from election to election. Hopefully you are familiar with it by now and have bookmarked it. A History section at the end of the page notes the changes made for this election. Jeff Knauth Chief Judge for Precinct 19-19 (Nextdoor post done on 11/3/22 for Precinct 19-19) ======================================================================== Information about the 11/8/2022 Election ----------- ----- --- --------- -------- If you are an eligible voter registered in Precinct 19-19 and have not voted absentee or at an early voting site by Election Day, 11/8/22, we hope to see you then at the Sanford Creek Elementary School polling place. Maps and other information are provided in http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/19-19.htm Jeff Knauth Chief Judge for Precinct 19-19