* *** COMMENTS_2014-09-07_CHECKLISTS TXT - 14 Sep 2014 14:50:01 - JKNAUTH Here are some comments on the Checklists now posted on the website: Chief Judge 9/7/14 ----- ----- Page 1: Under major bullet 10: Will there really be a pink list? I thought pink lists had been eliminated (although temporarily resurrected in July because of the unusual circumstances for that election). All the pink list processing has been removed from the rest of the current documentation, as far as I can see. Page 1: I still think the two bullets for oath administration are wrong. The oath sheet isn't really set up for the double oath administration specified, which seems flaky anyway. The procedure I have used is to read the oath to all the precinct officials and then have everyone sign, including me. If that isn't considered adequate, I sure would like to hear a legal explanation. Having all hear the oath and then sign the form would seem to cover what is needed. I also think it would be good to resume publishing the oath in the general manual to give everyone a good chance to read and absorb it, rather than just hearing it read to them at the polling place. Then have the BOE strongly and publicly go after anyone found to violate the oath. The double bullet technique smacks of just going thru the motions rather than being serious about this. Page 3: "Instruct each precinct official sign the Pay Sheet." "Instruct each precinct official to sign the Pay Sheet." Page 7: Is it still appropriate to put all the other checklists in the CJ binder? That was the previous answer I was given, but that item wasn't added in the current update. Maybe in the page 6 bullet where all the position checklists are reviewed, add that the checklists should then be put in the CJ binder. Voter Assistance 9/7/14 ----- ---------- Page 1: The "blindness" bullet was removed from the last box on the left (covered by "physical disability"?), but was left in the last box on the right, which also lists "physical disability". All Officials 9/7/14 --- --------- Page 2: I had raised a question some time ago if it was really proper to lower the AutoMark touch screen and close the covers BEFORE powering off the system. I never got an answer and the order of steps was not changed. It the current order correct? Jeff