* *** PW_MANUAL_2009-09-06 TXT - 6 Sep 2009 14:33:02 - JKNAUTH Brenda, here are my comments on the 9/1/09 revision of the Pollworker Manual. I appreciate all the formatting and organizational work you did to make the manual cleaner and easier to understand. Will we get Appendix H to review? I underlined the comments below that I thought should be pointed out in the Statutory class. The rest are questions or are just early input for the manual revision for next year. Has any NC State BOE progress been made to address the points I listed in http://nbtha.org/WakeBOE/BOE_suggestions_2009-04-25.txt? That April list was a summary of items other than Pollworker Manual comments. Comments/Questions on 9/1/09 Pollworker Manual ------------------ -- ------ ---------- ------ Page A-8: I don't understand the explanation of the pink absentee list ========= vs. pollbook mismatch. If the voter is not in our pollbook but is on the pink list, that sounds like at early voting the voter had reported a move *into* our precinct instead of out of it. The pink list (has the latest info) reflects that move, but the pollbook hasn't caught up yet. Right? Page A-10: First indented box bullet: "All three Judges must sign the first tape (or zero tape)." The zero tape should have already been signed, back when the scanner was booted. Why the "(or zero tape)" in this sentence? Page A-11: Somewhere here it should mention turning the key to Off and removing it. Page A-13: Change "purple" to "red" in item 3. You should probably do ========== a Word find on "purple" to see if there are any other purple bags in the electronic document. I didn't see any in the hardcopy, but might have missed them. I did see there was now going to be a purple envelope for mailing the totals tape. Page A-14: "Write the number of Write-in ballots on the Ballot ========== Reconciliation Form." Where? This looks like a mistake. Page A-18: Why don't the movers take the curbside alert system, leaving one less thing for the Chief Judge to have to transport? I think the CJs have to carry too much. They should take only security-related items. Why so many signs and such? Page B-10: Sixth bullet: Change "sign" to "verify and sign". We always explicitly ask the voter to check the label and sign if the information is correct. Otherwise I am afraid too many people would just blindly sign and some poll manual errors might slip thru for another cycle. Page B-14: The Ballot Table Official should count each opened package ========== of ballots. You had recommended this for the last election and it was good that you did. Three of the nine packages we opened had only 99 ballots, not 100. See item 3 under "Hardware and Supplies" in http://nbtha.org/WakeBOE/Postmortem_2008-11-04.txt. Is the current ballot vendor more reliable than the previous one? I'd be interested to know how many other precincts counted ballots last November and found too few or too many ballots in a package. Page B-15: First indented bullet (the Hint): Change "the number of voters voting" to "the number of voters voting, including curbside". Page B-16: Item 7: Say the Ballot Table Official must not number the ========== ATV at this point. Page B-16: Item 10: I thought the ballot itself now will have the oval marking instructions. Page B-16: Item 13: Add "*after* the Ballot Table Official has ========== checked the ATV." The "At a Glance" section has it right. Page C-3: In Step 3, if the voter can now show a valid ID, the ATV should be completed and the voter can be sent to the Ballot Table. Page C-4: First square bullet: Section B should already be complete. Just say "Continue with the steps below." Page C-8: Say the voter can use whatever ballot he chooses to do the jurisdictional dispute provisional vote. Probably none that are available will make him very happy, but he can choose from what is available. Editorial Comments --------- -------- thruout In most places "physical address" should probably be "residence address". There is still a mixture of the two. unnumbered Table of Contents has some misalignments of the continued lines. When this is fixed (and with a possible font size reduction), the TOC should fit on one page. Page A-15: Edit the ninth box bullet: The "Number of the last Authorization to Vote" MUST EQUAL the sum of ... Page B-2: Fix "IFORMATION". Page B-5: Fix "BOE, JOH" on the left. Page B-6: Underline or otherwise emphasize "in the ballot style box". Page B-7: Remove extraneous leading underscore in heading. Page B-9: Fix "Competed" in bottom right box. Page B-14: Second bullet: Change "ATV #" to "ATV NUMBER" to match form. Page C-3: In middle box for Step 5: lost a "to" in front of "vote". Page C-4: Lost its page number. Page C-5: Bottom of "moved" got truncated in box on left. Page C-5: In section C of the Transfer Out ATV example, the New Polling Place Address text overlay got put too low on the printed page and wiped out the next line of the image. Page D-2: Properly align second line of item 4. Page D-3: It would be nice if "first label" could point up to the final destination in the image above and "second label" could point down to the final destination in the image below. Unfortunately there is no way to have "third label" point to its destination. Jeff Knauth, precinct 01-43