The Curbside Shuffle

This is what happens when the precinct officials recognize that a curbside voter has arrived and is waiting for service. This assumes the most straighforward situation:  correct name and address found in poll book, correct ballot is available, no overvote or extraneous marks found by M100, etc.

REGISTRATION TABLE Carry a blank ATV form and pen to the voter    →→→ CURBSIDE
←←←    Return ATV containing a completed Section D
Carry ATV with attached polling book label to the voter    →→→
BALLOT TABLE ←←←    Return ATV containing a completed section A
Carry ballot, marking pen, and secrecy shield to the voter    →→→
M100 SCANNER ←←←    Return completed ballot, pen, and secrecy shield
(with optional observer acting on behalf of the voter)
Make optional assurance visit:  "Your ballot was read"    →→→
  ←←←    Return with curbside voter's "Thank you"

"CURBSIDE-2007.HTM"      18 Mar 2011  23:58:53      (JKNAUTH)