DATESORT -------- g 10 'The file name characters must be in the set { A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ } ' parm_outfile 'is invalid.' g 11 'The file name must begin with an alphabetic character. ' parm_outfile 'does not.' g 12 'The earliest year to be included must be a non-negative, whole number.' g 13 '

line not found in WakeBOE_TOC.htm. File corrupted?' ? 14 ' not found in address line.' g 15 'The span class in the first line of the sort is not "updatednld".' g 16 'Unable to find "(done on --/--/--)" line.' g 17 'There is a mismatch between the "done on date" ('done_on_date')' 'and the "latest-change date" ('first_date').' g 18 'Date and class are mismatched.' g 19 'Date and class are mismatched.' g 20 'The output file is empty. The separation line date ('sep_date')' 'is after the date of any timestamp line.' - 21 'No paired ""' g 202 'Never hit separation line.' g 203 'Cannot find class= "outer"' 204 'Cannot find following line with anchor text.' g 205 'Cannot find following line with anchor text.' ======================================================================== g --- Files in WakeBOE_TOC.htm, but not in WakeBOE directory g --- Files in WakeBOE directory, but not in WakeBOE_TOC.htm g --- Same fileid and same change date -- dupes g 103 Same fileid, but different change dates (caught in DATESORT_MATCH) g --- Files in WakeBOE_TOC.htm, but not in "Recent Changes" g --- Files in "Recent Changes", but not in WakeBOE_TOC.htm g --- Changes to the same file made on multiple dates g --- Start year of 2017 g --- Start year of 0 g --- Separation date of 1/1/22