* *** HTML_TAGS_EMAIL TXT - 27 May 2024 23:35:46 - JGKNAUTH (Email I sent to some people in my NBTHA HOA long ago.) Someone asked for some information about HTML tags. Here is a summary by way of examples. The meaningful content of an HTML/CSS document (what you are trying to tell the reader) is provided in the body section of the document. The formatting directives for that content (spacing, font size and weight, color, backgrounds, etc.) are put in the CSS style sections in the head part of the document. For now, you will deal only with what goes in the body part. To do probably 95% of what you will ever have to consider, very few HTML tags are needed, e.g., to create paragraphs, lists, emphasis (bold, italics, underlining), and forced line breaks. You can also create skeleton tags for headings and links, which might be completed later by the webmaster. Pieces of the content, e.g., a paragraph, are delimited by beginning and end tags, the <...> and things, as shown in the examples. Here is a sample document with the results (as displayed by your browser) shown first, followed by the HTML/CSS source code that produced those results: http://jgkhome.name/HTML_CSS/MM_coding_examples.htm Flip back and forth between them to see how the source produces the display. You can also print the file, which might make the comparison easier to do. Just look at the body section of the source code for now; that's where the tags are located. If you are interested, a lot more detail about such things is given in http://jgkhome.name/HTML_CSS/HTML_CSS_TOC.htm. Included there is the three-hour class I give to people who want to learn HTML/CSS, which is a very useful thing to learn. Jeff