
  • Coloring text and backgrounds
  • Text formatting, e.g., bold, italic, font size, indenting
  • Box sizing and managing line heights
  • Classes and ids for element selection
  • Lists, ordered and unordered
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Anchors (hyperlinks)
  • :hover and :link pseudo classes
  • Horizontal rules
  • Box rounding
  • Text formatted with <pre> or white-space
  • Printing and controlling page ejects
  • @media for device-specific formatting
  • Floats of elements to the left or right
  • Flex boxes
  • Positioning of elements relative to their containers
  • Box and text shadows
  • Ability to hide or display elements
  • Transitions from one appearance to another
  • Rotating an element
  • Animation
  • Multiple columns
  • Definition lists
  • Clip-path
  • Overflow
  • Scrolling
  • Z-index
  • Counters
  • Grids
  • Outline
  • Forms
  • Opacity
  • Widows and orphans
  • Word and letter spacing
  • Resizing blocks
  • Transforming blocks
  • Pseudo classes other than :hover and :link
  • Pseudo elements, e.g., ::before and ::after
  • Content, e.g., to use with ::before and ::after
  • JavaScript

Steps To Create a Web Page

Here's how I typically create a new web page.