* *** BOE_WISH_LIST TXT - 4 Sep 2024 18:20:41 - JGKNAUTH Below is a summary of some comments and suggestions I have often made in the past, but which still remain open. I wanted to list them here to make them easier to find if and when I become unavailable to keep bugging the WCBOE about them. Maybe someday circumstances will change, allowing these items to be reconsidered. To shorten this, I have removed many prior comments that tracked the history of some of these items. FORMS/DOCUMENTS =============== 1) 3/18/24: Put revision dates on *ALL* forms and documents, printed and online, and keep them up-to-date whenever a change is made. Much progress has been made, but sometimes the revision dates are not updated after a change has been made. Also, some things still lack revision dates, e.g., the Provisional Envelope, the Media Guide, and the PO website FAQs file (revision dates are needed for the FAQs file as a whole and for each changed entry). 2) 3/19/24: Display voter registration number (VRN) using spaces, similar to a credit card number: #### #### ####. Internally, in the database, it can be kept in the compressed format, but in forms (for both output and input) and on computer displays it should be spaced to ease readability/entry. I'm happy that at least VAST has now implemented this. The VRN still appears unspaced in pollbooks and on the Absentee lists. 3) 3/19/24: Send me draft documents to review BEFORE they are sent to the printer (if possible). Otherwise errors I catch are much harder to correct. At least publish FAQs or errata files for any significant errors that have been pointed out. 4) 3/19/24: Provide better documentation about how *Wake County* precinct officials should deal with Observers. The 2024.v.1 NCSBE document (called "Observer Guide" on the PO website) has removed any mention of voter lists. That's good; the old Guide implied we would provide voter lists to Observers. We don't in Wake County. The Observers section of the FAQs is good, but is probably ephemeral. That information should be in the Observer Guide document, at least in a Wake County appendix since it is not covered by the current NCSBE document. PRECINCT OFFICIALS WEBSITE ======== ========= ======= 1) On the Training Resources page, put the document's last revision date in front of each link. (See how I now do it for my files on http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/WakeBOE_TOC.htm.) That would make it easier to see when a change has been made to a document without having to open it first. For videos there is currently no revision date shown anywhere; putting one before the video link would solve that problem. 2) Publish more extensive errata on the BOE PO website. Many important document/form errors are found well before election day, but are not made known to all the precinct officials. 3) 11/10/23: Update the videos to match the current processes and to correct errors. HARDWARE ======== 1) Provide a way for the Tabulator to detect and reject a provisional ballot if a voter mistakenly tries to put a provisional ballot in the tabulator. For example, this could be done by detecting a mark in a special area of a provisional ballot. That mark would have been made by the Help Table Official before the ballot was given to the voter. Undoubtedly a Tabulator could be programmed for something as simple as this. 2) 3/19/24: Get ES&S to fix the invisible password problem on the ExpressVote and Tabulator. Put signature lines on all the Tabulator tapes. Replace the "paper sheets", "DS200 ballots", and "ExpressVote cards" terms with "normal ballots" and "ExpressVote ballots" on the Tabulator tapes and magic button popups. PROCESS ======= 1) 8/27/22: Previous suggestions on handling some email problems: https://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/Email_Problems_and_Solutions.txt VAST ==== 1) Provide a full wildcard facility, similar to what was in SOSA. For a real-life example of where the wildcard facility solved a case where even the Help Line failed, see the Provisional Voter Processing section of http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/Postmortem_2016-06-07.txt More details have been provided in other correspondence with the BOE. COURSES/TUTORIALS ================= 1) See above comment under PRECINCT OFFICIALS WEBSITE about somehow including a revision date on the website. 2) 5/17/24: Allow CJs to view the online Basic course. 9/04/24: CJs can now get view the Basic module by requesting access from the BOE Staff. Having it as an optional course for all CJs would be better. SUPPLIES ======== See http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/BOE_Supplies.txt. Jeff Knauth, Precinct 19-19