Ballot Count Reconciliation for 5/6/14

Count the ballots in each pack when it is opened. Open a pack only when ballots from it are required. The "100" packs, which are put together by weight, often do not contain exactly 100 ballots. That then makes filling out the BOE "Reconciliation Form" very difficult at the end of the day if the starting counts are unknown. Record the true starting counts in the "Counts for Opened..." column of the following worksheet immediately when each pack is opened and counted.

At the end of the day, complete the worksheet by making column entries for each ballot style in a box as follows:

Record the sum of the ballots that were in the opened packs for that style from that box (i.e., the total of the "Counts for Opened..." entries) plus the ballots in the unopened packs (assuming "100 per pack") for that style from that box.
Left at End:
Record the sum of the ballots remaining from the opened packs for that style from that box plus the ballots in the unopened packs (assuming "100 per pack") for that style from that box.
Record the difference between "Delivered" and "Left at End". This is the number of ballots actually given out.

Calculate the total for each column. Verify that the "Used" total does equal the difference between the "Delivered" and "Left at End" totals.

Record the number of ballots used for each of Emergency Bin, Provisional, Spoiled, and Challenged; then determine the total. Subtract that number from the "Used" total. The result should match the M100 "TOTAL BALLOTS" number printed on the tape. It should also match the last used ATV number minus the number of ballots in the emergency bin.

Note:  For the 5/6/14 election there were 4 ballot styles for precinct 19-09. Nominally 3200 ballots were delivered.

                  Delivered    Left at End      Used      Counts for Opened "100" Packs
                 ===========   ==== == ===   ==========   =============================

  Box 1:  L009:      100            98             2      100

          N010:      100            96             4      100

  Box 2:  R001:      400            70           330      100  100  100  100

          D005:      203            21           182      100  103

  Box 3:  R001:      600           600             0      ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

  Box 4:  R001:      600           600             0      ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

  Box 5:  D005:      600           600             0      ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___

  Box 6:  D005:      600           600             0      ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
                   ======        ======        ======

        Totals:     3203          2685           518

                                         •--> -    6
                                         |     ======
                 Emergency Bin:   0      |       512  vs. M100 "TOTAL BALLOTS":  512  <-•
                                         |                 (from totals tape)           |
                                         |                                              |
                 Provisional:     3      |                                              |
                                         |                                              |
                 Spoiled:         3      |        Number on last ATV:        512        |
                                         |                                              |
                 Challenged:      0      |        Emergency Bin:          -    0        |
                                ====     |                                 ======       |
                                         |                                              |
     Total not counted by M100:   6  >---•        Calculated M100 number:    512  vs. >-•

Last Updated:   5/6/14  23:56
