The "100" packs, which are put together by weight, may not contain
exactly 100 ballots. This seems to occur much less often now than it
did a few years ago. The WCBOE is satisfied if we just note on the
Reconciliation Form any small ballot inventory discrepancy between
"Issued" (the packing list number) vs. Used + Returned.
[The packing list number may actually be wrong if
each pack did not contain exactly 100 ballots.]
Open a ballot pack only when ballots from it are required. Immediately record 100 (the assumed count for that pack) in the "Counts for "100" Packs" column of the following worksheet.
At the end of the day, complete the worksheet by making column entries for each ballot style in each box:
Calculate the total for each column. Verify that the "Used" total does equal the difference between the "Issued" and "Left at End" totals.
Record the number of ballots used for each of Emergency Bin, Provisional, Spoiled, and Challenged; then determine the total. Subtract that number from the "Used" total. The result should match the M100 "TOTAL BALLOTS" number printed on the tape. It should also match the last used ATV number minus the number of ballots in the emergency bin. [Neither of these checks may be be true if some pack(s) did not contain exactly 100 ballots.]
Note: For the 5/8/18 election there were 2 ballot style(s) for precinct 19-19. Nominally 4100 ballots were issued.
Counts for "100" Packs Issued Left at End Used (where "<100>" means "unopened") ========== =========== ========== ======================================== Box 1: R012: 500 292 208 100 100 100 <100> <100> Box 2: R012: 600 600 0 <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> Box 3: R012: 600 600 0 <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> Box 4: R012: 600 600 0 <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> Box 5: D005: 600 376 224 100 100 100 <100> <100> <100> Box 6: D005: 600 600 0 <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> Box 7: D005: 600 600 0 <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> <100> ====== ====== ===== Totals: 4100 3668 432 •--> - 8 | ====== | Emergency Bin: 0 | 424 vs. M100 "TOTAL BALLOTS": 419 <-• | (from totals tape) | Provisional: 3 | | | | Spoiled: 5 | Number on last ATV: 419 | | | Challenged: 0 | Emergency Bin: - 0 | ==== | ====== | | | Total not counted by M100: 8 >---• Calculated M100 number: 419 vs. >-•
The ATV and Tabulator (M100) counts match at 419, the important check. However the calculated ballot inventory of 424 differs by 5 from the ATV count = Tabulator count = 419. If the six opened packs actually had a total of 5 fewer ballots than the assumed 600 ballots, then all the counts would match at 419.
Because in this election we did not count the contents of each opened ballot pack (see above), we can't know for certain if the discrepancy is because of a short count, or something else.
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