* *** COMMENTS_ON_8-02-2024_DOCUMENTS TXT - 7 Aug 2024 16:46:56 - JGKNAUTH The documents on the 8/2/24 PO website have the same version numbers as the June drafts I received, yet the files have changed. My comments below list the unchanged version numbers, but these comments are for the documents that I printed from the PO website on 8/2/24. <8/7/24 update>: The new CJPG became available on 8/7/24 and I have now added by comments for that at the end of this file. I see the corrected HAVA ID sheet has now been put on the PO website. Is it too late to update the Manual for this? The "6/17/24 comments" referenced below were included in the https://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/Comments_on_Drafts_Received_on_2024-06-14.zip file sent to the Staff. The "Actions" items information can be found at https://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/TEMPORARY/Actions_Summary.htm , which summarizes the current status of my main comments in many areas. General Election Manual 2024.v.3 ------- -------- ------ Page 10: I still think this 1500-ballot-bin-unloading material should be in the CJPG with all the required ExpressVote details included, not in the Manual with some details missing. This is one of the "Actions" item. Page 24: As noted in my 6/17/24 comments, it looks like a sentence was misplaced. Page 38-48: Hopefully someday these pages will be revised along the lines I outlined in my two 6/18/24 emails. In those suggested changes I tried to make the pages follow the logic in my RT flowchart, https://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/TEMPORARY/RT_Flowchart.htm The changes also removed some redundant (but incomplete and potentially problematic) material. I really think this would make the Manual clearer. This is an "Actions" item. One concern with the current Manual text is that if multiple exceptions exist, only the first might be processed because the text for each exception immediately sends the voter to the HT. Also noted in my 6/18/24 comments was the concern that the current page 38 wording might cause the photo ID check to be skipped because of the "go to the HT now" text in each of the exception writeups. Page 38: Item 3: It should be made clear that the Official does not just echo what the voter said, but instead should read aloud the name/address[/party] information *from the label* to be sure the voter agrees that is the correct label. Page 38: Item 3, second sub-bullet: voter's with special -> voters with special Page 40: Item 1, first sub-bullet: Reword the second sentence: As such, HAVA ID required voters might show 1 or 2 forms of identification to fulfill both requirements. -> However HAVA ID required voters might need to show two forms of identification to fulfill both requirements. Page 41: This is still the old version, which had lost the "electronic copy" information. This is an "Actions" item. I was told last week that the form had been corrected, but the old version is still on the PO website as of today: http://msweb03.co.wake.nc.us/bordelec/downloads/15precinctofficials/Resources/Notice%20to%20No%20ID%20Voters_2024.01.pdf Page 46: In the ATV image for "Address on Label Is Wrong", why were the "ATV Number" and "Ballot Style Issued" fields filled in? They were blank in the June draft. They should be blank because the image should show the ATV as the RT Official sees it, not what the BT Official might eventually fill in (if the ATV even manages to get there from the HT). The RT Official's job for this exception is just to cross out the ballot styles and mark the "Address on label is wrong" box. The RT Official would never see an ATV looking like this. Maybe this new image (with a new voter) accidentally came from somewhere else where the filling in was appropriate. Note that these two fields are properly blank in all the other ATV images in the Manual's RT section. Page 75: After doing the delayed photo ID check, the HT Official must be sure to do all other exception processing since there may be other things wrong with the label information. Don't send the voter to the BT immediately just because the photo ID check has now passed. This same problem was noted in the 6/17/24 comments. Page 81 or 83: This still does not state when the photo ID check is done for the ATV-less voter. In a February email the Staff has stated the time to do this, but it's not in the Manual. I also still think a reminder checkbox should be added to the Provisional Envelope, as detailed in my 6/17/24 and earlier comments. This is an "Actions" item. Page 90: In the last item, list for your -> the list for your Page 100: The "with one exception" bug was not fixed. Details are in the 6/17/24 comments. Multiple: There are a number of places where "staff" should instead be "Official". Those instances are intermingled with cases where "staff" is correct, i.e., referring to a BOE Staff member or fire station staff person, not some Precinct Official. You can use Ctrl-F to search the pdf file for "staff". For possible change areas, I found pages 25, 56, 83 (x2), and maybe 105. Registration Table Quick Guide 2024.v.4 ------------ ----- ----- ----- Page 1: At the bottom, in the list of things to take to the CJ packing area, add: "Voter Assistance Log (if completed)". Flowchart: Detailed comments were made in emails on 4/20/24 and 6/17/24. Most of those comments still apply. For the label attachment order issue, my current thoughts are in https://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/TEMPORARY/Label_Attachment_Notes.txt This is an "Actions" item. Ballot Table Quick Guide 2024.v.3 ------ ----- ----- ----- Page 2: The first sentence in the "Jurisdiction Dispute" section (lower left oval) has been partially whited out. Help Table Quick Guide 2024.v.5 ---- ----- ----- ----- No comments. All Officials Quick Guide 2024.v.2 --- --------- ----- ----- No comments. Voter Assistance Quick Guide 2024.v.3 ----- ---------- ----- ----- "Guide to Voter Assistance" page: Delete the bottom Q/A and add "Election Official" somehow to the "Voter without Disability" box at the top to be consistent with the box on the left and to get all the related material together. (Same comment that I made in the 6/17/24 package of comments.) Photo ID Quick Guide 2024.v.3 ----- -- ----- ----- The PIDQG just says "send the voter to the Help Table", but nothing about which boxes to mark and nothing about signature or initials. I think the whole "Voting Process" section should be deleted. It covers only part of the process, which is documented elsewhere. Notice to Voters with No Acceptable ID NC SBOE 2024.01 ------ -- ------ ---- -- ---------- -- This is still the old version, which had lost the "electronic copy" information. This is an "Actions" item. Reconciliation Form 2023.v.2 -------------- ---- The version ID on the PO document is 2023.v.2, yet the date at the top is "November 5, 2024". I suspect there is a typo in the version ID and it should have been 2024.v.2. North Carolina Voter Registration Application 2024.01 ----- -------- ----- ------------ ----------- https://www.wake.gov/departments-government/board-elections/voter-information/register-vote Same for the latest hardcopy? On page 2 in the "Submitting Your Form" section at the bottom right, note the "deliver this application in-person" and the "fax or email a scanned image". Yet no physical location (building address) is given for the Wake Op Center and no fax number or email address is given. Other than by mail to a PO box, how can a person submit the form as directed? In past versions (at least for the hardcopy version), at least the fax and email address were displayed on the form. The building address was not; long ago I had commented on the missing building address. The new version of this form has gone in the wrong direction by now also removing the fax number and email address. What's next to go? I suppose this is an NCSBE document over which you have no control. If so, tell them about the problems. Chief Judge Pocket Guide 2024.v.4 ----- ----- ------ ----- Except for the text in , the following comments are just exact copies of what I had sent on 7/8/24. They are the most significant comments that were not addressed in the new CJPG made available on 8/7/24. Page 10: Bullet 11 (the Last-Minute Absentee item). There is still no ======= mention of possible (likely) PC use to make hardcopies of these lists. And still no mention that a copy is needed for the HT in addition to the copy mentioned to add to the Absentee List. I'm curious how long these lists will be in November. I'm betting there will be dozens of names for our precinct. In 2020 we had 54; in 2022 we had 28. I feel sorry for any polling places that will be trying to accurately handwrite two copies of those lists. Page 21: Page 28: In the tape #1 section, second bullet. Why not record the ======= ExpressVote card count here as I had specified in ******* https://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/TEMPORARY/Overlapped_Tape_Processing_REFORMAT.htm That count will be needed later; if it isn't recorded now it will have to be gotten off one of the stored away #1, #2, #3, or #4 tapes later. (Tape #5 and the magic/secret button will be unavailable when the voted ballots are put in boxes, which is when the ExpressVote card count will be needed.) Page 28: ======= There is something I meant to investigate for my "Overlapped Tape Processing" proposal, but forgot to do. In your "Quick Reference" section I think the item "1. On the Tabulator screen, select Report Options" has to be done only once. If I recall correctly (please check), the "Reports" display stays up after the tape #2 printing completes. So all you have to do for the remaining tapes (#3, #4, and #5) are steps 2 and 3. Maybe Step 1 needs an added "(if the Reports menus are not currently displayed)" or "(only needed for tape #2)". To handle the overlapping I was trying to do for long-tape elections, I think we can just always immediately start printing another tape as soon as the previous one finishes, meanwhile doing the appropriate processing for tapes that have finished printing. Essentially that's what we ended up doing. CJs that are comfortable with this could do it; other CJs could just do the serial processing now shown in the CJPG. With the way the text is now clearly organized, that should work well either way it is done. For short-tape elections everyone would end up doing the serial processing because those tapes take such such a short time to print. Page 29: Tapes #2 and #3. So personal mailboxes are now allowed? I'm surprised, having had personal experiences with my mailbox and my neighbors' mailboxes being robbed -- several times in Raleigh and once in Wake Forest. Page 32: "Counted Ballots Bin" section. Somewhere here should be ======= described the way to get the ExpressVote card count (from a ******* tape) if it wasn't recorded earlier. See page 28 comment. Page 32: "Unvoted Ballots" section: There's still no mention of the ======= orange box "1 of 1" special label. Page 33: Those are good edits to what I had proposed in ======= https://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/TEMPORARY/Bags_and_Reconciliation_Form_11-2023.htm However, the "Ballot packages" at the bottom of the table's left column needs fixing. To provide the "unvoted ballots" number, my BT Officials use a worksheet, e.g., see http://jgkhome.name/WakeBOE/Ballot_Count_Reconciliation_2024-03-05.htm (Old versions of the BTQG said the BT Officials should record the unvoted ballots number on a scratch pad . The latest BTQG just says "report the number to the Chief Judge".) My worksheet is just a formatted way to help the Officials calculate the number and then report it to me. I think something like "Worksheet from BT Officials" is a lot more accurate than "Ballot packages". Or at least just repeat "Total unvoted ballots" instead of saying "Ballot packages"; the middle column shows where the information comes from. Jeff