WakeBOE Directory  vs  "WakeBOE_TOC"

Last Updated:   2/20/25  09:48

WakeBOE Directory "WakeBOE_TOC" "Changed Files" "Descriptions of Changes" "Descriptions of Changes" vs "TOC"

1)  File Counts of WakeBOE Directory vs "WakeBOE_TOC"

This comparison is between almost all the files in the WakeBOE directory vs almost all the files listed in "WakeBOE_TOC".

WakeBOE directory files:  Total = 359    Skipped = 36    Left = 323

(Examples of skipped files:  .png/.jpg files, DateSort files, comments to BOE Staff)

"WakeBOE_TOC" files:     Total = 337    Skipped = 14    Left = 323

(Examples of skipped files:  Google Photo albums, NC Legislative tool)

GOOD  The above two Left counts are equal.  This is normally as desired; however the sections below could list
things which offset each other and make the Left counts be equal even though matching is not really perfect.
Be sure all the sections below show GOOD or there are explainable reasons why they do not.

2)  Unmatched Files in WakeBOE Directory

GOOD  There are no unmatched files here.

3)  Unmatched Files in "WakeBOE_TOC"

GOOD  There are no unmatched files here.

4)  Duplicate Files in "WakeBOE_TOC"  (same fileids and last-changed dates)

GOOD  There are no duplicate files in "WakeBOE_TOC".

The "WakeBOE_TOC" Left count may include multiple instances ("dupes") of the same fileid, i.e., the same file is referenced in multiple places in WakeBOE_TOC.htm. This may or may not be intentional. It would usually cause the above Left counts to differ for the WakeBOE directory and "WakeBOE_TOC". Normally the two counts should be equal. Note that unmatched files in the WakeBOE directory could counterbalance the number of "dupes" in "WakeBOE_TOC", leading to the two Left counts being equal, but then the unmatched files would show up in section 2 above.

For a detailed view of the two filtered file lists, "MACRO DATESORT_MATCH  *  CATCH" can be used to create two files that capture the WakeBOE directory and "WakeBOE_TOC" file lists as they are created.

5)  The nine most recently changed (unfiltered) files from those listed in the WakeBOE Directory

Note that files not in the WakeBOE directory are NOT included in this list, although
they can be named in "WakeBOE_TOC". An example is a Google Photos album.
  1. 11/21/24  Postmortem_2024-11-05.htm
  2. 11/18/24  Election_Statistics.pdf
  3. 11/15/24  RT_Change_Log.htm
  4. 11/15/24  RT_Flowchart.htm
  5. 11/15/24  RT_Procedure_SMALL.htm
  6. 11/12/24  Sanford_Creek_Elementary_Curbside_Parking.pdf
  7. 11/12/24  Sanford_Creek_Elementary_Curbside_Parking_without_comments.pdf
  8. 11/09/24  19-19.htm
  9. 11/09/24  Packing_Up_after_Election.htm